cycle path „Deutsche Einheit“

Is there anything more exciting than starting a hot summer day early in the morning with a ride on the bike? Fortunately, the cycle paths in Europe are developed quite well, for example it is possible to travel across all of Europe by bicycle. Germany as well offers beautiful cycle paths to spend some time on the bike. The cycle route “Deutsche Einheit” leads through seven federal states over the span of 1,100 km – from Bonn via Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt and Brandenburg to Berlin.

The extraordinary aspects of this route are the stations. They were built to contribute to a novel cycling experience and to combine cycling tourism with digital factors. At the stations the cyclists profit from free wifi and can use touchscreens with various information and entertainment options. For people with e-bikes there is an e-charging station. The glass-roof of the bicycle station contains – as you may already suspect – a photovoltaic module with semi-transparent cells from ertex solar.

For more information about the route click here.


Camping « Europa Camping Village »

The exclusive campsite “Europa Camping Village” in Cavallino, Italy is known for its ever expanding offers and for its new and sustainable infrastructure. The new lavatories are certainly a terrific example of the Campsite’s exclusivity and sustainability. The new lavatories are roofed with 60 semitransparent photovoltaic modules. They generate energy as well as they create a delightful atmosphere owing to the play of alternating light and shadow inside the building. The hot water and part of the rooms are heated with solar thermal energy.

Copyrights: © Ingenia di Venturato Andrea

Here you can watch the video about the project:

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