Voting for the User’s Choice Award
We are participating in the international Green Solution Awards on Construction21 with three of our projects! The voting for the User’s Choice Award on the platform is possible until May 31st.
Our projects impressively show the integration of photovoltaic modules while simultaneously achieving the desired look the architects and building owners were going for. In case of House Solaris, the façade should not give away the fact, that it is secretly an energy producing hub.
For the Giraffe House in Schönbrunn the goal for the photovoltaic roof was to resemble the leaves of an Acacia Tree, a common tree in the natural habitat of Giraffes in order to create a comfortable environment for the gentle giants.
The newly built Brand Experience Center at Munich Airport impressively proves that for Audi AG, modern architecture today must not only be attractive, but also sustainable. When designing the new AUDI Brand Experience Center, the first of three planned, care was taken to embody the company’s values. The owners had in mind a modern and sustainable building in which employees could receive extensive training.
Share your like with us now and support these fabulous projects! To go to the Case Study of the projects click on the project title in the text.

And still aesthetically pleasing?
As many of our loyal readers know, the generation of renewable energy with photovoltaics is no longer limited to conventional elevated systems. One way to use building-integrated photovoltaics is to install the modules as a carport. When used as a carport, there is a double benefit, since on the one hand parking spaces are created that are protected from the weather, and on the other hand one’s own energy can be generated.
And no matter whether large or small – our semi-transparent photovoltaic modules look great on all carports.
In one of our latest projects, our modules were installed as a carport for the company Elektro Göbl GmbH – in the future, customers and employees alike will be happy to have a covered parking space. On the one hand, this contributes to employer branding and on the other hand, it is a great customer benefit! In total, eleven modules measuring 925x4320mm and 950x4320mm were installed, with an installed capacity of 5.9 kWp.